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  • The team behind 7 Ate 9 and The Upper Case: Trouble in Capital City is back with another installment of their pun-filled detective noir Private I series. This time, Private I is in a race to find all the missing clocks in town!In the colorful… Read More

  • Just when Private I thinks all is calm-now that he's cracked the case of 7 Ate 9-Question Mark storms into the office.Mark is worried. All the uppercase letters are M-I-S-S-I-N-G! But that's absurd. This is CAPITAL City!Private I is the… Read More

  • 6 has a problem. Everyone knows that 7 is always after him. Word on the street is that 7 ate 9. If that's true, 6's days are numbered. Lucky for him, Private I is on the case. But the facts… Read More

Tara Lazar

About the Author

Tara Lazar wrote the first book in the Private I series, 7 Ate 9: The Untold Story, back in 2015. Wow, time flies! She is also the author of The Upper Case: Trouble in Capital City, Three Ways to Trap a Leprechaun, The Monstore, and more! She enjoys reading her stories in funny character voices. Tara lives in New Jersey with her husband, two daughters, and an adopted black cat who meowed at her back door and walked straight into her house. You can visit her online at

Ross MacDonald illustrated the first two Private I books. He is the author and illustrator of Bad Baby, Henry’s Hand, Achoo! Bang! Crash! The Noisy Alphabet, and Another Perfect Day. Ross has also done illustrations and humor pieces for periodicals such as Vanity Fair, the New York Times, and the New Yorker, and has designed and created props for over 100 films and TV shows. He was born and raised in Canada and now lives in Connecticut. You can visit him online at

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